The secret to exuberant, sustained energy is to avoid eating sugars and simple starches that become sugars quickly and spike the body's blood sugar.
Sugar spikes stimulate adrenalin surges which consume sugar levels in your blood stream leaving you feeling tired and depleted in a sugar deprived state.
Eat vegetables, proteins, fruit and complex carbohydrates that release sugars slowly and evenly as they are digested over time.
Lots of small, light healthy snack like meals even out the release of sugar into the blood stream over time.
Huge meals make you feel sleepy because blood is drawn into your gastric system to digest the large quantity of food you've just eaten.
There is a great deal of confusing advertising and deliberate misinformation from sugary food product producers pushing sweets as a high energy panacea. Their claims are blatantly wrong.
Explore these reliable links until we're able to expand our discussions and explanations here:
Natural Health - Eating for Energy
Hope this helps you sustain your exuberant zeal between meals!
Copyright 1999- , Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. Our materials may NOT be published, broadcast, redistributed or rewritten without written permission from the authors. Explore for more healthy happiness insights!