We can affect and control our feelings and energize our well-being by how we eat, exercise and what we do.
Certain foods and activities naturally bring long lasting happy feelings and healthy, energized well-being. Other food taste good for a few minutes and then leaves us feeling anxious, ashamed and awful.
It's our choice, long lasting, energized well-being or lingering stress, guilt and distress.
Healthy-Happiness.com grew from questions and needs to expand and extend the Happiness Habit message to simple, easy, effective life health habits that build happiness, strength, mental acuity and well-being.
See HappinessHabit.com and HappinessBlog.com for information about living a happy, spirtually successful life.
Explore Healthy-Happiness.com for more delicious, nutritious recipes that are fun, fast, easy and inexpensive to prepare.
Wishing you good health and great happiness, Michele Moore, CEO Happiness Habit, Inc. the Happiness-Guru
Copyright © 1999-2008, Michele Moore. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This material may NOT be published, broadcast, redistributed or rewritten without the author's permission.